Intro to SQL Server Automation with PowerShell

March 26th, 2015, a date which will live in infamy! Well, at least for me it will. March 26th, 2015 marks the date I gave my first presentation at my local SQL PASS user group meeting. Here is the picture as proof! I was very excited to be able to share some of my knowledge with everyone who showed up. I hope to be able to do it again some time. [Read More]

Gotcha! PowerShell Array Initialization, Difference between PowerShell 2.0 and 4.0

I like to initialize my arrays by strongly typing my variable as an array, and setting it to null. PowerShell doesn’t require strongly typed variables, so why would I want to do this? The primary reason is because it allows me to deal with an expected object type later in the code. For arrays it gives me access to a count property, which I don’t get with strings, int’s or other non-collection type objects. [Read More]

Using New-TimeSpan to convert friendly time

The question was this: This is just a quick/fast snippet in response to that question, but I can think of a ton of enhancements that could made. Hopefully it will be useful as a starting point for someone to customize for their own use. function Convert-FriendlyTime { param ( [string]$FriendlyTime ) $Converted = $FriendlyTime.Split(" ") switch ($Converted[1]) { "days" { $parms = @{"days"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "hours" { $parms = @{"hours"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "minutes" { $parms = @{"minutes"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "seconds" { $parms = @{"seconds"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "default" { $parms = $null; break ;} } if ($parms) { New-TimeSpan @parms } else { Throw "Invalid unit of time '$FriendlyTime'. [Read More]

Configure SQL Server Agent using SMO

Saw this on twitter and thought I would throw it up on the blog. Easier than responding on twitter. [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null; $SQLServerInstance = "MSSQLSERVER" $srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $SQLServerInstance $srv.JobServer.MaximumHistoryRows = 1002 $srv.JobServer.Alter() You can manipulate most if not all SQL Server configurations through SMO. This simple post has inspired me a bit. I think it would be useful to show how I came to find the information I needed to modify this setting. [Read More]


My cheap and dirty PowerShell script for dumping the disk space usage for a Windows machine. It was originally some snippets I found on the Internet, which I threw into a script and made it my own. It uses a simple WMI call to return a set of objects for you to use as you see fit. Most of the time I just pipe it to Format-Table to see the output, but it could be used for other things. [Read More]